Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys {Day 21}: Build an Outdoor Fort

Day 21 Build An Outdoor Fort Simple Outdoor Adventures for Boys

How To Build An Outdoor Fort…


As much as I like following step-by-step instructions {Lego Instruction Booklet OCD}, I love the freedom of creativity in the great outdoors.  And while indoor forts are life-savers for rainy days, they don’t hold a candle to building an outdoor fortress.

The supply list are just suggested materials.  By all means, add your own flare. Walking a trail in the woods is often the only inspiration you’ll need.  Look for fallen tree limbs, low branches that you can swing a tarp or old sheet over, large  rocks that you can hide behind, a carved out area in the landscape, or an appealing hideout area.

I’d love if you share what you’ve come up with!


  Helpful Tips/Resources:

* Don’t forget to furnish your fort with blankets, rock chairs, outdoor toys, etc!

Have you ever constructed an outdoor fort?