You All Turn Four Today.

I’ll never forget the miracle day when you stopped living in here.


And started living out here.


What a journey it has been with the four of you!

Today you each will turn four at 12:33, 12:34 (B &C), and 12:35 pm.

We’ve shared lots of memories in your four years of life…

Ventilators. Isolettes. First car rides. Co-bedding. Weekly weigh-ins. All nighters. Thousands of bottles. Seeing you each smile for the first time. Lots of teeth. Lots of tears. RSV Shots.  Playing peek-a-boo. First Christmas. Beating the odds. Learning to talk. Eating cake.

Walking at your own pace. Running. Moving. Staying in during winter months.  Playing with toys. Reading books. A few scary illnesses.

Watching you learn. Little adventures. Watching you become little people. Brushing lots of teeth. Making people laugh. Singing. Decorating cookies. Swinging. The magic of Disney World.

Swimming. Cheering for the Colts. Discovering how things work. Cracking jokes. Telling stories. Learning how to spell your name. Tackling. Bringing joy to others.

And the pretty neat thing is you’ve been with us (Yes, I’m talking to you, Readers!) through so much of this!  Thank you for caring and loving on us for FOUR YEARS. You’ve been so great and I look forward to telling the boys about so many of you who have cared for us on this adventure.  In fact, I can’t wait to show them this very post and read your birthday greetings! 

Would you be so kind if you are reading (click over if you are reading via email or reader) to leave a comment telling us more about YOU!  Tell us when you first met the boys (in person or the web), tell us where you are from, tell us your favorite quad memory, or tell us a birthday wish! (Or all 4!)

Pretend this is your very own Hallmark card to our boys, and YOU get to write the inside!

I’ll even share a little birthday gift for a commenter on this post.  A recordable Hallmark storybook as a thank you for supporting our family! You will LOVE it!


I’ll pick a winner on Sunday, February 6th after the boys birthday party!


PS In case you were wondering, Hallmark is not sponsoring this post or the quads 4th birthday!  I received one of these as swag from the Blissdom Conference and wanted to pass it along to YOU as a thank you!