I’m Officially a Mom to Little Boys…

I’m a proud mama to Little Boys. It’s bittersweet. I can’t believe how much it changed their little looks…..they look like the most handsome little men, though…..

Can I boast just a bit and tell you how good they were for their haircuts? They sat there so sweet and were so patient and played with their special fish cape, while our dear friend Phyllis snipped away!
Before and After Pictures will be posted soon. I was proud of myself for remembering to take video and pictures of each of them. It’s a challenge to remember ALL 4 during milestone moments!
I’m off to my Physical Therapy appointment. Yep, PT for me……(that’s a blog post in its self), but I hope to find some “blog time” when I return to show off my little handsome fellas.
Holding Back My Tears,

PS Feeding Table = Great 1st Haircut Chairs!

PSS Quadruplets = LOTS of hair clean-up!!!!!